Ocean Wave Energy Converter


  • Kumod Ranjan Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Technocrats Institute Technology, Bhopal - 462022, India
  • Anula Khare Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Technocrats Institute Technology, Bhopal - 462022, India
  • Manju Gupta Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Technocrats Institute Technology, Bhopal - 462022, India




Oscillating water Column, Point absorber, Mathematical modeling, Ocean energy, Wave energy


This research paper presents a comparative analysis of power extraction from an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) and a Point Absorber using mathematical modeling. Both systems are modeled under the same wave input conditions, with the OWC utilizing airflow dynamics to drive a turbine, and the Point Absorber modeled through heave motion equations. Linear wave theory and hydrodynamic interactions are applied to calculate power output. Results indicate that the OWC performs optimally in nearshore environments with consistent waves, while the Point Absorber is more efficient in offshore conditions. The comparison highlights how different wave characteristics influence energy capture efficiency.


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How to Cite

Ranjan, K., Khare, A., & Gupta, M. (2025). Ocean Wave Energy Converter. International Transactions on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3(4), 200–206. https://doi.org/10.62760/iteecs.3.4.2024.100


