Most Significant Economic Conditions Associated with the Greater use of Solar Energy in Cuba


  • Efraín Sánchez González Zerus SA Business Specialist. Auxiliary Professor and Auxiliary Researcher at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of the University of Havana, Cuba



Photovoltaic solar energy, Economic conditions, Economic infrastructure


The sustainability of the supply of electrical energy at favorable levels for growing and sustainable human development in the current context is in question due to the accelerated depletion of fossil fuels for electrical generation. Therefore, it is pertinent from the country's senior management to develop a global strategy that favors the gradual replacement of the consumption of fossil fuels for electricity generation with technologies that use solar energy as a basis for electricity generation. Describe some of the most significant economic conditions associated with the greater use of solar energy in Cuba for human development. A descriptive observational study was carried out of some of the main conditions existing in Cuba for the greater use of photovoltaic solar energy for electrical consumption. For this, scientific observation and bibliographic review were used as scientific methods. The strategy of emigration from electricity generation with fossil fuel to generation with photovoltaic panels in Cuba must be thought, planned, planned and executed from the convergence of national and foreign economic interests. Committing to the greater use of photovoltaic solar panels does not mean giving up conventional sources for electricity generation, but rather diversifying the national energy matrix in pursuit of greater economic, political and social benefits. To this end, the ingenuity of human resources to adapt to any scenario, together with the motivational benefits for domestic and foreign capital, can constitute the most complete formula to stimulate the greatest possible participation in electricity generation with photovoltaic solar panels in Cuba.


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How to Cite

Efraín Sánchez González. (2024). Most Significant Economic Conditions Associated with the Greater use of Solar Energy in Cuba. International Transactions on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3(2), 79–85.


