Fuzzy Controller with Shunt Active Power Filter in Reducing THD for Three Phase System


  • K. Hemasri Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Varaprasad Reddy Institute of Technology, Sattenapally - 522438, India
  • Ch. Srinivasa Kumar Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Varaprasad Reddy Institute of Technology, Sattenapally - 522438, India




Elimination of harmonics, Shunt Active Power Filters, Hysteresis current baes controller


In recent years, power electronics devices have advanced and are now employed in a variety of applications. Furthermore, this gadget produced an issue with power quality in the electrical system. Furnaces, VFDs i.e variable frequency drives, computers and Tube lamps are examples of non-linear loads that create current harmonics. Power quality is a critical problem on both the consumer and distribution sides. The active power filter improves quality of power and compensates for reactive nature of power. From this paper, nonlinear loads causing harmonic effects are addressed. To eliminate harmonics from non-linear loads, a shunt active filter is employed, and in the retrieval procedure, a hysteresis current based controller is utilized. In this study, instantaneous reactive power (PQ) theory is employed to calculate the reference current. The Matlab-Simulink toolbox was used to simulate the results of a shunt active filter utilizing PQ theory.


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How to Cite

K. Hemasri, & Ch. Srinivasa Kumar. (2024). Fuzzy Controller with Shunt Active Power Filter in Reducing THD for Three Phase System. International Transactions on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 3(2), 101–108. https://doi.org/10.62760/iteecs.3.2.2024.93


