Telugu Dependency Treebank


  • B. V. Seshu Kumari Department of Information Technology, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad-500090, India.
  • M. Susmitha Department of Information Technology, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad-500090, India.
  • S. Sudeshna Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad-500090, India.
  • P. Bala Kesava Reddy Department of Information Technology, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad-500090, India.



Natural language processing, Telugu language, Dependency parsing, Telugu tree bank


We discuss Telugu Language and Treebanks briefly in this work. Initially, we'll go over the Telugu language briefly. The paninian grammatical model utilized for Telugu dependency representation is then described. Following that, we explain Telugu treebanks and the various formats used to express these treebanks. We also discuss the Telugu language and its representation in the Telugu Dependency Treebank, and we give information on the Telugu language and the Telugu Dependency Treebank. Natural languages are often morphologically rich, and they create sentences in a variety of ways. Researchers have been investigating approaches to annotate text with linguistic knowledge since the advent of machine translation in the 1960s. Previous studies on Indian languages were done at the chunk level. The present shallow parser morphologically parses the input text to the chunk label. Researchers are considering working at the phrase level in the future. They broke the phrases down into smaller parts. The relationship between chunk heads is essential to proceed to sentence-level parsing. This results in reliance parsing.


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How to Cite

Seshu Kumari, B. V., Susmitha, M. ., Sudeshna, S. ., & Bala Kesava Reddy, P. . (2023). Telugu Dependency Treebank. International Transactions on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2(1), 37–43.


